Saturday, June 17, 2006

P2 Limits

We just did nearly 60% of the dialogue. Unfortunately, a lot of downtime comes from switching out memory cards and uploading them to a hard drive (wheeeeee... yes, it's that exciting). We can only get about 4 min at a time, but I guess that's a little like film and switching out magazines (except far cheaper... no? not like film at all? ok, I tried). Laurel and Carey had to memorize pages and pages of awful shit totally awesome shit I wrote. If it sucks, I can blame the producer. No? What about the director? They're all me? Ah fuck. What idiot hired me? I did? Shit. Stop cussing! What if a kitten reads this? Ha, kittens can't read. The film is all about the relationship of these two characters so if these scenes suck, we're screwed. Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Ah, the joy of filmmaking. At least, if it sucks, everyone will tell me! Ah shit...

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