Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Xtro 3: Watch the Skies (1995) wasn't for me.

Like Xtro 2, which copied Aliens too much at times, the third film in this series doesn't seem wholly its own. I can't believe the same director did all three films but each one had different writers. I enjoyed the first Xtro quite a bit, and it was rather unique, but I couldn't get into this one. There are some dodgy FX when the alien turns invisible, cloaking like the Predator and I love a puppet but it just doesn't work here. Trying to imitate Predator is a very risky proposition especially if it comes up short because people will just make negative comparisons (does take guts to attempt it though). I think it's much better to try to do something unique although that's easier said than done. The characters weren't engaging for me and I didn't feel suspense or excitement watching it but I'm just one moron so if you really love this movie, good for you. I wish I could've enjoyed it because I do love Predator and even some of the knockoffs but I just couldn't get into Xtro 3. In defense of the director, I will say all three Xtro films are very different from each other so that's cool and I think it would be tough to do an alien movie like this so screw my silly opinion. Making a sequel is also not easy. Maybe financially it could be but I mean creatively.

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